Our Heritage Chicks Have Arrived!
These three little fellas, including their friends, have arrived safely to our family farm!
With all that has taken place in the world this spring, we were not confident we would receive these chickens in 2020. We are excited to say that all things worked out and are happy to be sharing them with you today!
We have several types of chickens on our farm (including a few turkeys). With our children having a special interest in these birds we were inspired to add some extra unique ones to the coop. Some of these breeds will be a bit more like pet birds than others and we look forward to having them in our family. We also enjoy having heritage chickens as they lay a rainbow of egg colours. Some of these birds lay really cool coloured eggs bringing a continued amount of diversity to our egg collections.
Now we have gotten you excited about heritage chickens, here is a bit more about the three breeds we received. . .
White Crested Black Polish
(in our picture - far left, yellow bird)
The White Crested Black Polish is easily the most elaborate of the bunch with a unique plumage of feathers sprouting from its head. As a chick this breed carries a puff in its place, with similarities to a pompom in size and feel. As these birds mature their feathers do as well, displaying both volume and a contrast in colour. The hens won't lay often but as you can see, these birds are prized for their looks!
image from Murray McMurray Hatchery, website
Ameraucana Bantam
(in our picture - middle, black bird)
The Ameraucana Bantam chicken is the most pet like chicken of our breeds. Although a bit fickle at times, these birds are clever and know when you are arriving to give them a treat! They have a cultivating personality and surely add character to the coop. The hens will not lay many eggs but when they do you will know for they are distinctively blue in colour. Stay tuned as these chicks continue to grow and we will share photos of these eggs next spring.
image from Murray McMurray Hatchery, website
Single Comb Brown Leghorn
(in our picture - far right, brown bird)
The Single Comb Brown Leghorn is a lively chick and altogether active breed (although in our photo above these chicks look like they are ready for a nap).This chipmunk looking chick will grow to be a handsome orange and brown rooster with vivid dark stripes through the feathers on his neck.The hens are brown in colour with not as much texture to her feathers and will lay white eggs regularly.
image from Murray McMurray Hatchery, website
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